Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I mentioned I would post pics of the progress I have made up until now. The first part I will show you are the legs I've been working on. I would never have made it as far as I have on my legs without the help of fellow builder Victor Franco ( He wrote up a really good tutorial on making the legs out of wood. Here is a pic of a leg unpainted. 

View of unpainted leg

The legs are created out different thicknesses of plywood glued together in various spots to give you the correct overall look of the leg. The hole you see at the right of the picture was made to countersink the shoulder hub so that it is flush with the outside of the leg. The 2 black marks you see in the bottom left of the picture are speaker grille snaps and are being used to attach the outer ankle sides to the leg. The outer edge of the leg itself is covered with a styrene skin. The edges of the skin are puttied and sanded to achieve a smooth look. 

Leg with shoulder hub and ankle sides

You can see in the above photo how the shoulder hub and the outer ankle sides fit into the leg. You can also see what the difference between the legs with and without the skins.

Another part of the leg which I made is the shoulder horseshoes. 

Shoulder Horseshoe and shoulder buttons

The horseshoes are names as such because they well, look like a horseshoe. The horseshoes are made with 8 .125" pieces of hardboard. 4 pieces are cut to a larger size, 3 are cut to a size slightly smaller on the interior, and 1 is used for a spacer. The 4 larger pieces and the 3 smaller sizes are then layer together to give a staggered look in the interior.

Interior staggered view of horeshoe
The horseshoe is then skinned with styrene and I used the speaker grille snaps to attach it to the leg.

After all of this work and adding a few resin parts I picked up from some fellow builders. Here is what my 99% finished leg looks like:

Finished Leg
The resin parts included on the leg are from the Dark Jedi himself Keith Henry and Marco "Xeno-man". Although I will say that the shoulder buttons I made myself out of resin. I still need a few more parts to complete the leg and I still need to drill the hole in the ankle so that I can attach a foot to it, but I must say that I am really proud of it.

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